
From baby boomers to millennials, men today are just as interested in improving their health and transforming their physical appearance as women.  Many of the procedures and tools are similar for men and women, even though the desired outcomes are unique.  Allure provides many options for both surgical and non surgical procedures.  Growing statistics for men seeking aesthetic procedures speak for themselves.   Dr. Spikes provides a range of advanced techniques that can help you meet your goals with natural-looking results.  Here are just a few of our procedures for men, click on each to learn more:

BodyTite® is a minimally invasive, body contour procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to tighten loose skin while contouring your body and giving you the definition you have always desired. BodyTite® is a revolutionary procedure that is precise and effective, giving you long lasting results as it tightens and lifts your skin as well as reduce any unwanted fat pockets from your body. This is the solution for individuals who are looking to reduce fat without the saggy, wrinkly skin.

BodyTite® can be treated for thighs, love handles, buttocks, middle and lower back, arms, chest, beneath the chin, the abdominal region. Any excess fat from these areas can be removed while also tightening any loose skin with BodyTite®. 

BodyTite® treatments are performed with local anesthesia with sedation to provide our patients to be relaxed and comfortable throughout the entire procedure. Dr. Spikes will use the BodyTite® machine that uses thermal energy to warm the internal and external fat issue on the treated area, melting away any excess fat and simultaneously sculpting your body and tightening your skin. Our machines are regulated to be precise and effective with automatic safeguards to help avoid any thermal injury on the skin.

After your procedure, you may experience slight swelling, bruising, and soreness around the treatment area which is completely normal and should subside in the following days after the procedure. If necessary, Dr. Spikes can prescribe pain medication to help relieve any discomfort you may experience.

Most patients can return home immediately after their appointment and to their normal activities within two to four days. Patients should expect to have up to 24 hours to 48 hours of downtime. Patients will be able to return to their daily routine, including exercise, over the course of two to three weeks.

After your procedure, the results are immediately visible and skin laxity and body contour will immensely improve for six to twelve months.

Depending upon the number and size of the targeted area, this procedure should last between one and four hours. In comparison to other non-surgical body sculpting procedures, BodyTite® only requires one single treatment for ideal results.

Since BodyTite® is a minimally invasive procedure, it will not leave any scarring and no stitches necessary. As your body heals, the dead fat cells will leave the patient with a slimmer and more sculpted body with no scarring and minimal risks.

FaceTite® is a nonsurgical facelift alternative that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to target fat and loose skin in the face and neck. By simultaneously melting fat and tightening the skin, a FaceTite® treatment can effectively counter common signs of aging to create a more youthful appearance in just one treatment.

FaceTite® can address a variety of common concerns, including:

  • Sagging jowls and neck skin
  • Wrinkles and fine lines in the lower face
  • Marionette lines around the mouth
  • Decreased collagen and elastin production

FaceTite® treatments are performed under local anesthesia with sedation. Once the patient has been numbed, a small hole is made in the skin at the edge of the jaw just below the ear. The incision is minimal and will not leave behind a scar after healing. A thin probe is then inserted beneath the skin to provide thermal energy to the underlying tissues of the face. The probe is capped off with a plastic tip to prevent accidental skin perforation and unnecessary damage.

After the probe has been inserted, an external electrode is placed overtop the outer skin. The probe and the electrode work in unison to create a contained thermal field that simultaneously targets the outer and inner layers of the skin for a comprehensive treatment. The FaceTite® devices are slowly moved along the jawline, liquefying fat and contracting the collagen and elastin in the skin along the way.

The FaceTite® system is equipped with numerous safeguards that provide active monitoring of the skin’s external and internal temperatures, ensuring the treatment is safe, precise and effective. Uniform heat distribution throughout the treated areas provides results that are even and smooth. The entire procedure lasts about one hour, and patients can return home immediately after.

As a minimally invasive treatment, FaceTite® does not require an overly lengthy or uncomfortable recovery period. Patients can return to work in three to five days. Common side effects include swelling, soreness, bruising, numbness and itchiness in the targeted areas. Most side effects improve drastically within the first week, include swelling. Patients may also notice an uneven skin texture that lasts two to three weeks as the skin adjusts and contracts.

Compression wrappings may be used to minimize swelling and provide comfort during the first week or two of recovery. The minor incisions will heal quickly without the need for stitches and will not leave behind noticeable scarring. Patients are generally able to resume regular activities about 48 hours after the procedure, although moderate swelling will be visible for the first three to five days and patients may want to stay home during this time.

Results are immediate, although swelling will distort the new facial contours. Once swelling subsides during the first week, the tightened contours and more youthful appearance will be visible. Final results will continue to develop over the course of six months, as increased collagen and elastin production result in a continuous improvement in skin laxity.

Though rarely discussed, gynecomastia is actually quite common—affecting 40 to 60% of men. Physiologic gynecomastia occurs when hormone levels associated with adolescence lead to formation of excessive breast tissue. This usually resolves with time but that is not always the case. Other reasons for gynecomastia may include hormone supplements, heredity, drug side effects or certain medical conditions. For those who feel self-conscious about their appearance, male breast reduction surgery can greatly improve overall confidence.

The surgery to correct gynecomastia should be performed on healthy, emotionally stable men. While men at any age can benefit from treatment, those going through puberty are followed to see if the gynecomastia resolves. Correction of gynecomastia is usually permanent. However, there are times where the process may recur. This is a significant concern when gynecomastia is related to hormones or other instigating factors that are continued after the operation. Dr. Spikes will emphasize the importance of discontinuing any contributing factors during patient consultation. Some patients also have a significant amount of fat in the chest area. This can occur in the setting of gynecomastia. Dr. Spikes treats most patients with a combination of liposuction and resection of the gland. It is key for men to know that if they gain weight after surgery, the chest may reflect this change.

The best candidates should be close to their ideal weight, and have firm, elastic skin that will reshape to the body’s new contours. If you are a young man or adolescent, care must be taken to first exclude hormonal abnormalities, drugs or medical conditions contributing to this condition.

Since the procedure removes fat and/or glandular tissue from the breasts, the result is a chest that is flatter, firmer and better contoured. In extreme cases excess skin is removed to achieve this outcome. A history and physical are part of the evaluation, as the treatment is determined by an underlying cause. Examples include liver disease, use of estrogen medications, steroids, beta blockers, antacids and marijuana. Referral to an endocrinologist may be recommended.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that directly removes stubborn pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction can also be used to selectively remove fat in the pectoral and abdominal regions to mimic the appearance of a well-defined masculine chest or set of abs.

Through liposuction, patients can enjoy many benefits, including:

• Reduce love handles at the sides of the midsection

• Tighten the stomach after weight gain

• Sculpt the arms and thighs for a slimmer profile

• Shape the abdomen to resemble sculpted abs.

• Contour the chin and jawline

• Sculpt a tighter, more masculine chest

Liposuction is completed under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. After the patient has been numbed, the surgeon will make several small nicks in various locations in the targeted areas. These nicks are small and allow for the insertion of a cannula, a thin metal tube. The cannula is drawn in a back-and-forth motion below the skin to loosen the fat cells and suction them out of the body.

After the targeted fat has been successfully eliminated, the nicks will be sutured shut. The surgery lasts between one and four hours depending on how many areas are targeted during the procedure and how much fat is removed.

Recovering from a liposuction procedure takes several weeks. Patients can return to work within one week, although they will need to wait about two or three weeks before returning to normal levels of exercise. Results from any liposuction procedure are immediately visible, although swelling will temporarily distort the new contours.

Common side effects include bruising, swelling, numbness and mild pain in the targeted areas. Most side effects diminish within the first couple of weeks of recovery, although swelling can take up to six months before subsiding fully. Compression garments will be placed over the targeted areas to help reduce swelling and facilitate healing. Regular use of compression over the first several weeks will promote quicker recovery and faster results.

Abdominal and pectoral etching is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Prior to the procedure, the surgeon will mark out the ideal contours on the patient’s chest or abdomen to use as guidelines during the lipo contouring procedure. A few small nicks are then made in the skin in specific locations to allow for precise removal of the targeted fat.

During chest etching, fat deposits are removed from the lower and outer edges of the pectoral muscle, providing the chest with a more pronounced and masculine shape. During abdominal etching, fat is targeted along the natural lines of the underlying muscles to give them a more well-defined appearance. In both cases, a modest amount of fat is left over the muscles to contrast the areas where the fat deposits have been removed, creating the appearance of raised and developed abs or pectorals. The procedure lasts between one and two hours.


Schedule a consultation with Dr. Spikes today to see if liposuction is right for you.

Major weight loss is a significant accomplishment, whether by dieting alone or after bariatric surgery. Fitting into new, smaller clothing enhances the excitement you feel when you step on a scale. You are healthier, happier, and probably more active. But many of our patients feel uncomfortable with areas of excess skin after weight loss, and seek help at our practice.

Excess skin is unsightly and can seriously hinder your ability to participate in certain physical activities that could further improve your health. Excess loose skin can also make you self-conscious about wearing certain outfits. After all the work you’ve put into losing the weight, shouldn’t you have the freedom to wear what you want and look the way you have always wanted? Plastic surgery can be the final step to complete your transformation.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, cosmetic surgery after major weight loss requires special care from highly experienced surgeons. Dr. Spikes has the knowledge of the special needs of post weight loss patients.

The main difference between cosmetic surgery after major weight loss and other cosmetic procedures is the need to assess the entire body, not just one targeted area. Excess skin will pucker and fold over many sections of the body from the breasts, back, hips, abdomen, thighs, arms and pubic area. Body contouring of the torso usually requires a different procedure, such as a tummy tuck, than body contouring of the thighs and buttocks or arms and breasts. Your skin’s texture and the amount of tissue laxity will affect incision sites, the amount of skin removal, and the degree to which scars from your plastic surgery will be visible.

To determine which option is best for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Spikes for a consultation.